Monday 9 February 2015

In The Name of the Brother

I just deleted by previous review of this as I'm honestly not a huge fan of it & I wanted to write more on my actual opinion on it. And yes, I still maintain that this is one of the worst OUAT episodes, but I'll expand more into why compared to my other review. First off, the flashbacks! I still dislike the addition of 19th century non fantasy novels into the show as it really doesn't fit into the fairytale-like universe (similar to my thoughts on Cruella in 4B except she does have magic & lives in The Enchanted Forest), even if they take place in a different realm! Admittedly it was interesting to see a bit more of Victor's backstory as 2x05, but it just feels predictable & it's hardly expanded upon in future episodes & Dr Whale isn't really that strong of a character to hold an entire episode & it doesn't really help after this, Victor & the 'Land Without Colour' are never seen or mentioned again! It doesn't help that the black & white cinematography can make it come across as blue at times & it felt inconsistent having Rumple appear in colour given that Victor was shown in technicolour in 2x05 in the Enchanted Forest. Second: the characters! The Charmings especially as this episode was what made me dislike them in season 2 as they feel very hypocritical in the decisions they made, including whether or not they should leave Greg to die (even if Gold was the one who insinuated it), leaving an amnesic Belle in the hospital & completely ignoring her (also showing how poorly they handled that plot & left her to the sidelines) & not let Gold see her & Emma acting very shady around Greg just came across as out of character. Oh yeah, and Regina's arc is thrown out the window thanks to Cora easily managing to manipulate her by using Henry despite her ulterior motives & the kiss between Cora & Rumple was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen in the show as well as entirely pointless (well, it was pretty clear she was doing it to mess with him & he wanted her dead)! And the new characters in the flashbacks were pretty much generics who died after one episode (keeping with the running gag in season 2) with Alphonse being the typical disapproving father who wants his son to do what he wants & Gerdhart being the generic kind hearted & honourable brother to Victor!
So was there anything good in this? Well, the acting from David Anders in both the Storybrooke and flashback scenes was good along with Lana's acting during the scenes with Cora, making Regina more sympathetic despite her development being thrown out of the window as I had mentioned before! And Gold's arc involving trying to get Belle's memories back (while a tad creepy from her perspective) just made me feel even more sorry for him & I can kinda understand why he was acting like a jerk to everyone given how insensitive they were towards him!
But anyway, with a boring story & having the characters be backwards & unlikeable (along with Belle breaking Chip which was way too extreme & felt like a cheap shock tactic), this left a bad taste in my mouth for me & is easily not just one of the worst season 2 episodes, but also one of the worst episodes in the whole show!
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'Maybe that's why it hurts when I laugh! Did you see his face?! His one true love gone in an instant!' No, do NOT go there Hook!
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Haha! 'Gold, are you insane?!' 'Yes, I am!'
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Well, I guess this is the closest we'll get to a Christmas episode despite them celebrating New Year & it's only for one scene!
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Oh great! Another generic asshole father who has a favourite son & doesn't support the other!
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So the Charmings' tactic is to just dump an amnesic & frightened Belle in the hospital & not let her boyfriend see her....these are our heroes!
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Poor Rumple!
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Wait, how did Rumple get there if there's limited ways of crossing realms & he's been trying to find his son for several years via crossing realms?! Unless it was Jefferson who helped him given 2x05...
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Hmm, note to self: don't try True Love's Kiss for amnesia when the love clearly isn't reciporacated!
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'If I were to pick dead guy of the year, it'd be you' the hell did they go from this to being boyfriend & girlfriend?! Seriously, Hook's 'change' has just felt completely unnatural to me & he's never had any sort of epiphany over what he's done is wrong!
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Bit weird if he tweets pictures of his food...
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You know, just cos you have your own problems that you need help over, it doesn't mean that Gold's problems aren't as important given that HIS GIRLFRIEND HAS AMNESIA!
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'So glad I don't give a damn' my sentiments exactly about this episode!Click to view full size image
OK, the Star Wars ringtone was pretty funny!
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Hmm, rather fair deal given that he needs financial support for his experiments!Click to view full size image
N'aww! Nice seeing Chip again!
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OK, judging the last deal you made with her (the one she managed to get out of my manipulating you into changing it), making another one involving a truce is not the brightest idea, Gold!
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Just when I had this mentally scarring image out of my head...
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Rather sad he still has his mother's watch!
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Pretty predictable given he had to die somehow so Victor could reanimate him in 2x05!
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Uh, what's the point of referring your caller ID just as 'Her'? I get it's for viewers to guess, but it's pretty stupid when put in practice (doesn't help the reveal is completely contrived)Click to view full size image
Well, at least Ruby's tracking skills can help!
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'Maybe Doc can do it!' 'Perform surgery? *laughs hysterically* NO!' Well, he did help deliver Emma as a baby in the Pilot!
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'He's been in a rough place since he brought Regina's fiancĂ© back to life.' 'Daniel?' 'Back to life?'  'Had his arm ripped off and put back on.' 'Cool.' 'Wait. Daniel came back?' 'Like some kind of Frankenstein?' 'That's Whale. The Doctor. And Daniel was his-' 'What went on here while we were gone?' OK, this was pretty funny!
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Pretty creepy smelling your daughter's clothes & going through her stuff!Click to view full size image
Sweet photo!
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OK, clearly there was a time Henry didn't think Regina was evil judging his things!
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LOVE that room! Seriously, she'd make a great interior designer!
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Awkward reunion...
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Well, at least it's nice to know how Rumple got Victor to help him with the whole Regina situation in 2x05!
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Sorry, I can't help but find this funny!
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HAHA! 'Come with me. We're going to town.' 'It's the middle of the night.' 'I don't care. We'll wake them up. Emma and Henry and the two idiots!'
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Wait, so being a werewolf also includes super strength & lightning fast reflexes? 
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I don't know about you, but showing your newly revived brother to your father while all the kinks still need work isn't the brighest idea!
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Great, ANOTHER one dimensional character dying after only one episode!
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OK, this moment was rather sweet!
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Regina...why are you letting your mother manipulate you?!Click to view full size image
OK, this bit was heartbreaking despite the fact we never see what happens afterwards!
I'm not gonna lie, I was on the verge of quitting watching the show after this tragic scene! Then again, if a man you have no clue who he is kissed you in your sleep & was rambling on about magic & pestering you, surely you'd think he was crazy?
You know, you're not really doing your best to act like that the town isn't hiding anything, Emma!
OK, that globe looks rather cool!
Yeah, Emma definitely sums up my feelings towards Henry in seasons 1-3A!
'If any harm comes to Belle while we're away, I'm killing all of you!' Too bad none of them go to check up on her in later episodes & this threat is never ever mentioned again!
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'Honey, you're not gonna believe what I saw!' Hmm, seems Emma's superpower is pretty faulty!

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