Saturday 31 January 2015

Queens of Darkness Poster

Must say, judging the recent information over what will happen in the second half (mostly involving Operation Mongoose/the identity of the author, the Queens of Darkness' backstories & certain popular characters returning *coughs* August, Ariel, Aurora, Zelena & Robin *coughs*), I am cautiously optimistic for it! Sure, the notion of Rumple being evil is still bugging me, but at least this time round it seems he has a proper goal (AKA get his happiness & win Belle back) instead of his stupid 'taking over the world' thing in the first half with the hat. And yes, before you ask, I have hope for Belle & Rumple despite what happened in 4x11, but obviously it's gonna take quite some time for them to rekindle their love (like every other season since season 2...just saying!) I cannot wait for this to come back on March 1st because this hiatus feels like it's been taking forever!

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