Monday 8 December 2014

Shattered Sight

After the events of Fall, we finally get to see the worst out of everyone in Storybrooke (except for Emma, Elsa, Anna, Hook & Gold) & just how much they've been keeping inside of them, including Regina reverting back into her Evil Queen self (long hair, extravagant outfit & all), Mary Margaret & David bickering over their love, Henry going in Home Alone mode & setting pranks & Will still having gripes at Hook for beating him in 4x04. And Gold prepares to leave town with Belle & Henry, with him making Hook (whose immune since he has no heart) get Henry for him, only to fail thanks to his pranks, but Gold still wants to continue his plan of going to New York & making them believe Storybrooke was destroyed. Emma & Elsa manage to find a way to get rid of the yellow ribbons as they end up aggravating Regina enough to destroy them, although they both can't bring themselves to kill Ingrid when they have the chance (yeah, killing Ingrid is the only way to stop the Shattered Sight curse). And Anna finally discovers the message Gerda wrote after knocking Kristoff out with the bottle it was in, revealing that she was sorry for entrapping her sister, had always love her & wanted to make up for the mistake she made through her daughters. When Ingrid finally realizes the truth that her family was right in front of her all along & can't force people to love her, she ultimately redeems herself & undoes the mistake she made from the curse. Committing a heroic suicide, she sacrifices herself to stop the curse as she's finally reunited with her sisters in death, leading to a huge snowstorm in Storybrooke. Meanwhile, we get to see Ingrid's past with Emma when she fostered her, revealing they were actually really close with Ingrid planning to adopt her, only to go awry when Ingrid tries to get Emma to use her 'magical powers'. Of course, Emma believes she's crazy & runs away again, only for Ingrid to discover Storybrooke through the prophecy & reunites with Emma at some time during season 1, as it's revealed she extracted her memories with the crystal as Emma still believed she was mad over the magic & curse.
This episode was the one I was waiting for after last week! Although the curse ended up being more comedic than scary with how the characters acted towards each other, I enjoyed it! It was just so so funny seeing everyone go over the top & revealing what they hated about each other, including Henry revealing her never liked Hook, Mary Margaret (GOD, Ginnifer's acting was so so funny) not being sorry for killing Cora, Regina still holding gripes against Snow for telling Cora about her secret love with Daniel & Kristoff being sick of everything going crazy ever since he met Anna (although he still loves her). Speaking of Regina, it felt so so nice seeing her Evil Queen self after so long (her outfit looked amazing) & you could tell Lana was having such fun playing her again despite it being in Storybrooke. And it seems Rumple's plan is still going smoothly despite the setback with Hook not managing to get Henry for him, although I really doubt he'll get away with going to New York with Belle (who we don't see at her worst self like I wished we would) & Henry without disastrous consequences...or that it'll even happen at all! As for Ingrid..I absolutely loved her! I knew from 4x07 that she'd be redeemable thanks to the love she had for her sisters & that she had her family with her all along through Anna & Elsa! In fact, it seemed she wasn't really that evil at all, but rather misguided through her tragic experiences & not seeing what was really important & who her real family was. But when she broke down & sacrificed herself, I was so so shocked & was actually crying (especially when it showed the bit with her & her sisters as children). That was probably the best villain's death in the show so far & Elizabeth Mitchell's performance throughout was incredible, especially during said scene & in the flashbacks with her & Young Emma! In fact, Ingrid is the perfect example of the tragic villain in every way (at least recently. Rumple's still my favourite in that category) & was exactly who Zelena should have been in season 3. Speaking of the flashbacks, although we didn't see much of the relationship between Emma & Ingrid, it was still nice & pretty believable, showing that Emma did actually have someone who loved her while in the foster system & if Ingrid hadn't told her about the magic, she could've had the family she wanted all along! And I loved that we finally got to see how Ingrid ended up in Storybrooke & how Emma lost her memories, which is pretty funny since I was expecting Rumple to do it when in fact he didn't play as huge a role as I thought he would in this arc & with Ingrid (other than giving the urn & the gloves to her & the whole situation with the hat).
Overall, this is a very strong episode to end the Snow Queen arc with great acting (ESPECIALLY from Elizabeth Mitchell), very solid writing, great emotional depth, funny moments & great twists & turns, I'm gonna be so so sad when the Frozen arc ends next week in the midseason finale, Heroes & Villains (which I'm so excited for) because I love the Frozen characters & the story they did even if it kinda overshadowed the other plots in season 4 so far!

Rule number 1 Ingrid: oracles tend to be bogus!
Haha! 'I can't believe I had a child with you!' 'Who knows? Maybe you didn't. Could be Whale's!'
Haha! 'You don't need to worry. I'm the Saviour.' 'Is that like a real job here?'
Gotta feel bad for Anna being reduced to babysitter when it was her idea about how to stop Ingrid!
*Sighs* How I've missed you Evil Queen!
I knew Hook would be immune cos he has no heart!
So he really thinks he can get away with abducting his wife & grandson to New York & let them believe Storybrooke was destroyed while Henry's family would be worried sick about where he is?! You really need to look over your plan Rumple!
Interesting place to hide memory stones...!
Wow, she's crazy prepared in case they tried to hurt her!
Nice to see you again Young Emma!
'It's your choice, sweetie. You can either give me that camera or I can make your life a living hell!' Why don't you just get your own camera, you little pipsqueak?
Interesting reverse psychology & telling her Kevin is frightened of spiders...she really is crazy prepared!
Sorry, it's just so funny seeing everyone pummel each other over the most trivial things!
HAHAHA! 'I swaddled him perfectly!' 'HE'S A BABY, not a breakfast burrito!'
HAHAHAHA! 'Yeah, that's right! Snow White's a murderer! I killed the Evil Queen's mommy! And I said I was sorry and I didn't mean it!' 'That's horrible.' 'Still wanna hold hands, sing Zippah-Dee-Doo-Dah?' God, Ginny's delivery is so so funny! Kinda reminds me of Snow in 1x16!
Interesting plan with getting Regina to take them off through her new hatred for Emma!
Interesting way to see memories!
FORESHADOWING!!! (You'll understand in next week's episode)
Aww, found this surprisingly sweet!
Hmm, liking the outfit!
Yeah, they were lucky their plan worked otherwise they'd have been burnt to a crisp!
Interesting Henry's worst self is doing Home Alone style pranks...
Seems Will still holds gripes against Hook for beating him!
And...pretty epic fail!
Bit creepy Ingrid...
What are you, crazy Ingrid?!
Yeah, you do realize you sound completely crazy to her talking about magical powers?
'Great. I should've known the only person willing to adopt me would be a nutjob!' OK, that was oddly funny!
HAHA! 'I had come here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots that started it all!' 'Hey, I wasn't the one who told Cora about your secret boyfriend!' 'Are you selling me out?' 'SHUT UP!'
Haha! 'I don't know who you are, but why don't you go back to where you came from?'
'I wanna watch you bleed' Ooh...and must say, love how Lana hams up every single line & revels playing the Evil Queen again!
Well, at least we finally know how she found Storybrooke!
'The funny thing about time is we romantisize the good & forget the bad. That's exactly what's in these crystals. The good memories and nothing else. The lovely moments the two of you shared with me which I'll cherish forever, and now, so will you.' Hmm...
*Sighs* How I miss Emma's season 1 style!
So that's how her memories were extracted...seems Rumple didn't help her after all despite knowing who Ingrid really was to Emma!
You know, despite the fast editing, they're not really the best at hiding stunt doubles!
HAHA! 'You said no magic!' 'You said you could keep a secret!' 'I. WAS. TEN!!!!'
About time they found the letter!
'Elsa, Anna. I don't know if your father and I will ever get back to you, but I need you to know that we were wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers. I feel terrible but it happened before and I can't let it happen again. My sister, Ingrid, like you also had ice powers and I never told you about her or my other sister Helga, but I should have. They were beautiful and kind and wonderful, and I was fearful. And I let that fear guide me. I let Ingrid hide when I should have celebrated her for the person she was. I love her so much. In this crystal are the memories of my sister that I stole from the people of Arendelle. Please return them. My sisters deserve to be known. In a cave in the North Valley, you'll find an urn that contains Ingrid. Please do what I should have done long ago and release her. When you see her, please tell her I love her and I am sorry. I'd give anything to take back what I did. To hold her hands one more time.' Aww!
'You're a part of our family no matter what! And family never gives up on each other!' Thank you Anna for making your aunt realize who her real family is!
'What have I done? I need to reverse this!' YES! I KNEW SHE'D REDEEM HERSELF!
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! 'There's no other way. I am a monster! Not because of my powers, but because of what I let them turn me into. I have to undo this!' 'No Ingrid. You'll die!' 'I know! It's OK! Elsa, Anna, you found each other. And Emma, you found your family even if it wasn't with me! You-You deserve your memories. You three are so special! Never forget that.'
No, no Ingrid! Don't! Not when you just redeemed yourself! 'You deserve your happy ending too!' 'Long ago a prophecy told me that you would lead me to just that Emma, and this is it. All I wanted was to have my sisters' love and now I have it! I get to join them!' God, Elizabeth is incredible in this scene!
I think Anna & Elsa sum up my feelings towards Ingrid's sacrifice!
Right, now I'm dead! Just when I thought I couldn't cry any more!
About time we saw Storybrooke covered in snow in an arc about Frozen!
 Aww! Sweet seeing everyone reunite again!
Aww! Sorry, she looks cute sleeping!
You know, maybe you shouldn't say your plans out in the open when Belle could wake up at any moment!
OK...seems Gold's plan is the last conundrum for the town until...well, I won't say yet for spoilers!

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