Monday 6 October 2014

White Out

Taking place after 4x01, this episode continues both the Storybrooke scenes & Enchanted Forest scenes as Elsa traps everyone in the town as she's desperate to find Anna. In the Enchanted Forest, it turns out David & Kristoff were friends as Anna finds him & asks for help & shelter under the alias Joan (remember 'Hang in there Joan!' from Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?) as she starts her quest for her sister. However, in the midst of this, a warlord Bo Peep (stick by me with's as stupid as it sounds) threatens to take the farm he & his mother Ruth own & Anna convinces David to stand up to her, which he does after a good talking to. Once it's over, Ruth ends up recommending that Anna go & see Rumplestiltskin to seek help over the magic problem, where it's also revealed he's been watching her. In Storybrooke, once Emma comes across Elsa, the ice cavern starts to break & Emma slowly freezes to death despite the fact Elsa would promise to let her go once Hook & David find Anna, but the two of them form a bond over their uncontrollable powers & Elsa regrets her decision of making the ice cavern. Thanks to Gold & Belle, David discovers Anna's true identity & confronts the Storybrooke counterpart of Bo Peep, taking her crook so they can find Anna. Once Elsa manages to control her powers once more, she manages to get them out & they discover while it they can't find the location where Anna is, she's still alive thanks to hearing her heartbeart from the crook. However, it turns out Elsa can't undo the ice cavern as it's revealed that another woman in town, an ice cream shop owner played by Lost alumni Elizabeth Mitchell, possesses the same powers & seems to have her own little plan! Oh yeah, and Mary Margaret is forced to turn the power back on by the others despite being exhausted looking after Neal, which she does, & Henry finally manages to get Regina to talk to him despite her depression over losing Robin.
Honestly, compared to 4x01, this one is pretty weak. The flashbacks were pretty much pointless other than for them to have a deus ex machina to help find Anna & so her & David had a reason to know each other! I'll admit some scenes were pretty good like the interaction between David & Anna was sweet & the scene where David reveals his father was an alcoholic who died of an overdose was surprisingly sad with good acting from Josh's part. Anyway, Bo Peep is probably one of the worst OUAT villains I've come across (if not the worst next to Greg & Tamara), being one dimensional, non threatening & honestly, pretty ridiculous with her stupid crook! Well, at least she didn't die after one episode! Also, Hook really bothered me as he did little to nothing to try & save his girlfriend other than pointlessly smash his hook into the ice & just be Emma's cuddle bunny after she's set free & Henry's acting just felt a bit...awkward (his scene with Regina is still easily the most heartwarming moment). The rest of the Storybrooke scenes were pretty good, especially the interaction between Emma & Elsa as they bond over their families & powers along with the responsibilities of their respective titles. I even enjoyed seeing Mary Margaret finally using her brain after being pretty stupid in 3B over Zelena, & her rant ('BUY A FLASHLIGHT!!!) was probably the most hilarious moment I've seen from her & I can definitely see where Ginny channelled her anger from given that she has a newborn herself! And Belle & Rumple doing their inventory in the shop in candlelight already acting married-so adorable despite being interrupted AGAIN even if they were clearly pissed off! I absolutely loved Elizabeth's scene at the end & I cannot wait to see her character in the next episodes & what her goals are (she's the original Snow Queen from the Hans Christian Andersen tale) & I love that the show has actually taken her character out of the fairytale Frozen is based on & making them 2 separate stories rather than have Elsa & the Snow Queen be the same character! Overall, this episode is just meh. Bit better than I thought thanks to the Storybrooke scenes & some good execution in the flashbacks, but they were still pointless, Bo Peep was a terrible villain, Hook really really bothered me & I want more Regina even if I know she'll do much more next week!
As for the next episode Rocky Road, I am beyond excited as we get to see Elizabeth Mitchell's Snow Queen in action immediately, Regina helps around more, Marian's heart is frozen, Hans will appear, Elsa & Gold will finally meet & Will Scarlett will make his debut!
I don't think anyone cares if they're being forced to stay given the consequences & bit extreme Elsa! 
 Nice hair David! Interesting that he knows Kristoff!
So that's Bo Peep...pretty ridiculous!
 HAHA! 'So what do you think babies dream about?' 'Bullfighting!' 'Laser tag!'
Aww, sweet idea Henry for Regina! At least he wants to help! 
 Interesting when she could've just sent a text...well, it is Regina after all!
Poor Henry! 
 Pretty rude barging in given how tired she's been looking after a newborn!
 Ugh, every time you & Emma meet does not qualify as a date, Hook!
 About time they had the talk!
 Nice to see you again Ruth!
 Oh God...this is why you shouldn't just wave your gun or hook around David & Hook!
 Yeah, I don't think stabbing your hook into a bloody massive cavern is gonna solve things Hook!
Nice sword fighting scene!
 Kinda sad David's father was a alcoholic & died of an overdose! Seriously, I did not expect that!
SHE CALLED HIM DAD (well, again, I'm guessing it's permanent)!!!
 HAHAHA!!! 'STOP SAYING LETTERS! Look, I am NOT magic, I have had slept 8 hours of sleep in the last week, I am breastfeeding & I am exhausted! I DON'T need this! I may have cast a little curse, but I did not ask to maintain a metropolitan electrical grid. Oh & get this-I'm starting to get why Regina was evil. It wasn't her! It was you! YOU HAVE SURVIVED YOUR ENTIRE LIVES WITHOUT LIGHTBULBS! BUY A FLASHLIGHT!!!' Mary Margaret has officially cracked!
'Aren't you cold? It's freezing!' 'It's never bothered me.' Nice reference to Let It Go!
 Nice bonding between Emma & Elsa!
 'It appears our honeymoon is over' quite right Gold...I just find it funny they don't seem fazed at all by the power outage!
 Poor Emma!
 Interesting Storybrooke's Bo Peep is a butcher...
 Nice one David!
 God, Anna is so adorkable even when she's badass!
OK, that's pretty cool (no pun intended)!
Kinda annoyed she didn't hug her father AKA the one who did almost everything to save her!
Interesting how she deducted how the power worked! And aww! 'Baby high five!'
HAHA! 'I love sandwiches!' Nice reference to Love is an Open Door!
Nice to see you Rumple!
Aww, bless Elsa when she realizes her sister is alive! 
Haha! 'And you! I mean, this is kinda cool! Pun intended.'
HI JULIET BURKE FROM LOST/CAROL FROM THE SANTA CLAUSE SEQUELS! By the way, 'Any Given Sundae', such a cute name for an ice cream shop!
OH MY GOD!!! Can't wait to see more of her!

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