Monday 8 September 2014


I thought I may as well also do an updated review of this episode since we're still waiting for season 4 to come! I see no point in recapping since this episode has been out for a while, but rewatching it, it definitely has it's good & bad points. I enjoyed the flashbacks with seeing more of Belle & Rumple playing off against each other & what lead Belle to see there's more to him than she initially thought. Even seeing Robin Hood was kinda nice, but in a way, it disappointed me after all the hype put on him in the advertising only for him to appear in a couple of scenes for at most 2 minutes. Well, at least as of season 3 he's a much stronger character & that this wouldn't be the last time we saw him (despite being played by a different actor)! The main issues I have are the scenes with Emma & her parents & Greg & Tamara. In fact, almost all the Storybrooke scenes felt flat! They really felt shoehorned in because there are way too many plots to count & it feels like the writers have no clue which one to focus on as none of them really connect together in any way. Also, the Lacey plot was all entirely pointless since 1) we knew Belle would eventually get her memories back, 2) I felt it would've been better to have memory lost Belle & Gold slowly get to know each other (obviously they couldn't put any creative thought into it thanks to the stupid Home Office plot & the Charmings/Regina conflict taking over everything) & 3) it was just there so Gold had a reason to be a jerk to everyone again! I will give Lacey credit though that she does show more acting range for Emilie & it was kinda nice to see more of Gold after him being sidelined for a couple of episodes. Although I like it as a Rumbelle shipper, I can't really say the same in general for OUAT. At most, it's just meh. The flashbacks were pretty good seeing a bit more of the development of the relationship between Belle & Rumple, but there was WAY too much going on in the Storybrooke scenes & they mostly fall flat!
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Nice way to start off!
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Uh, what's going on?! 
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AH, it's a dream!
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HAHA! 'You're Henry's grandfather?' 'Guess that makes us family. He's got my eyes don't you think?'
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AWWW!!! And about bloody time she was out of the hospital!
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Poor Belle!
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Hi Gary from Miranda! Too bad Sean Maguire replaces you from season 3 onwards!
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Nice to see you again Anton!
Nice to see you again Severe Nurse! 
Sorry, I just find it funny how out of place Gold looks in the bar! 
What the hell has Regina done?!
Good on Belle for setting him free!
Wait, when did she become mayor again? 
Yeah, I don't think you should get more dating advice from David!
Gotta love Belle for standing up to him & not taking any of his shit!
Wait, who's he?!
'Don Juan was nothing before he made his deal with me!' Am I the only one who wants to see what happened? 
Wait, what IS Emma planning?  
Pretty awkward date...and pretty sad for Gold to find out how everyone else sees him!
Is it weird I find it sweet they're sharing a blanket? 
AH! So that guy from the bar is the misogynistic Sheriff of Nottingham!
Poor Belle when he says he wants a night with her in exchange for the info!
Poor Gold! :(
So this is Marian! Not gonna lie, I never thought we'd never see her again until the season 3 finale!
Aww, bless him!
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Wait, I thought she said he wasn't her type earlier...
Interesting way of tracking where people have been...
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Yeah, I don't blame him for doing that after everything that's happened! 
OH MY GOD HE'S GIVING HER THE LIBRARY! (as of 3x15 he BUILT it for her!)
'You're not who I thought you were. And I'm glad.' AWWW!!!!
Bit weird Lacey's turned on by Gold beating a man to death!
Ugh, I forgot about you two! Just leave so we can get this stupid plot over with!
HUH?! Well, about time we saw him after 4 episodes of him being stuck in a closet in New York!

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