Monday 21 July 2014

The Return

This one features Rumple's backstory as we finally learn how he 'lost' his son. Sick of his father's obsession with power & torturing innocent people, Baelfire strikes a deal with Rumple that if he can find a way to a world without magic, Rumple will be his loving father again. After taking advice from his friend Morraine, he seeks help from Rheul Gorm AKA The Blue Fairy, who gives him the last remaining magic bean in their land that can transport him & his father to a land without magic where they can finally be together. However, Rumple, still obsessed with power tries (and looking at  3x08, his reasoning is more understandable) to convince him not to go through believing it will keep them apart. But sadly, Baelfire goes through alone, with Rumple instantly regretting his decision & vowing to spend eternity finding his son (takes about 300 years) Meanwhile in Storybrooke, as the Kathryn murder saga has drawn to a close due to the fact that she's actually alive, Regina realizes Gold didn't kill her as she thought it would go, but rather abducted her as she wished something 'tragic' would happen. This leads to Gold believing August, the mystery man, is his son after finding a picture of his dagger in his room & Mother Superior telling him that the reason he was in town was to reconcile with his long lost father. Taking advice from Archie, Gold confronts August & tearfully apologises for his actions after confirming he is his son. But unfortunately, it's later shown that August is not Baelfire, as he attempts to use the dagger (finally revealed to be what Gold was digging in 1x07 as he didn't want anyone getting it) to control the Dark One without knowing that the reason why Baelfire chose to our world was because there was no magic. But then it's revealed that August needs magic as he's sick & dying from an unknown illness. The day after, Regina uses Sidney as a scapegoat for the case with Kathryn by confessing to the abduction, fake DNA results on the heart they found & the whole set-up which Emma doesn't buy. And for revenge, she vows to get custody of Henry & take away what Regina loves.
I absolutely love this episode! Not only does it again show Robert Carlyle's amazing acting (especially in the apology scene between him & August & after Baelfire goes through the portal), but also how much more human the character is & that his motivation has always been his son, no matter what he's done in the past. I even felt sorry for Baelfire as all he wanted more than anything was his father back and the fact he still (regretably) chooses power makes his plight even more tragic & sympathetic. And even if August is not Baelfire, it'll still be interesting to see who he really is and whether or not his reasoning for being in Storybrooke is true. And I am so glad that the whole Kathryn murder plot/love triangle has finally come to an end as that was my main gripe with season 1 & I like that David had finally considered her feelings over it all & is taking responsibility over his actions. However, I don't like that Emma is suddenly wanting to get custody of Henry. Yes, I get that she's angry that Regina lied & doesn't think is a good influence on him, but does she actually know anything about being a mother & consider the consequences of her actions? Anyway, despite that one little nitpick, there's no denying that this is one of my favourite season 1 episodes!
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Uh...who is he calling? By the way, nice Pinocchio reference with the wooden donkey!
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I feel so sorry for Kathryn after what she's been through! Finding out her husband loves another woman, being lied to, being abducted, drugged and-yeah I think you get it!
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Maybe next time Regina should be more specific about her deals & requests! So technically Gold didn't break it!
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OK...pretty odd yet cruel punishment!(Bit of context, Baelfire was nearly ran over by someone, Rumple noticed a cut on his knee & blamed the man with the cart)
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Eww....pretty bleak! 
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Pretty generous of her to give David & Mary Margaret their blessing considering how much of a douche he's been! 
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Nice banner! And looks like we have all the Storybrooke versions of the dwarves!
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OK...bit weird for 10 year olds to make a card like that given the context!
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Hmm...could August be Gold's son? And interesting description of him Emma! 'A typewriter wrapped in enigma, wrapped in stubble.'
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So that's what August was looking for in his office!
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I love Baelfire & Morraine's friendship! If it weren't for him being Neal, being Henry's father & Emma's ex, I think they would've made a cute couple!
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'She was mute!'...epic fail!
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OK, I get that you hate nuns, but threatening to raise their rent if she won't tell him what August was talking to her about is pretty mean! 
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Interesting version of a magic bean!
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Haha! 'You here for the rent?' 'Why does everyone always ask me that?' 
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Have to say, I love this entire scene! Shows how much he's been holding back emotionally being filled with regret! 
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OK, I'll admit, the design for the portal is pretty cool!
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Poor Bae!
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If you didn't cry or at least get teary eyed in this bit, then your heart must've been ripped out by Cora!
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OH! So that's what he was burying in 1x11! Or was it 1x07...?
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Huh? He isn't Baelfire?
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'Who are you Booth?' Probably the question is everyone's minds after that!
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Well at least he can see the benefits of a powerless dagger! Can still stab people!
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So he's sick & dying...from what?! And how can magic cure him?
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Well now I can understand Gold's hatred for nuns!
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'You drove him away!' Uh, he just lost his son! You don't need to rub it in he was partly to blame!
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Clearly love not only can make you blind, but also stupid! Poor naive Sidney!
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Pretty big announcement Emma...

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