Tuesday 26 February 2013

MAD TV Parody!

I have to admit this is funny with Johnny Bravo being Emma & Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab being the Evil Queen/Regina!

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Best Rumbelle photo I've seen! I think Robert's implying episode 19 is when Belle will get her memories back!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

OUAT Valentine's Cards!

I know it's a bit too late but I wanted to share these OUAT Valentines I found! Maybe they can be a head-start for next year!

Once Upon a Time Valentine: Rumplestiltskin and Belle

My personal favourite!

Once Upon a Time Valentine: Captain Hook

Once Upon a Time Valentine: Snow White and Prince Charming

Once Upon a Time Valentine: August


I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back! I think this episode is the strongest one I've seen in season 2 so far! While it wasn't surprising that Neal was Baelfire (SPOILER!), the way they executed it was amazing, especially Emma's reaction to realizing this revelation and that Henry is Rumple's grandson! Also, I think this episode features Robert Carlyle's best performance in the show so far, especially in the flashbacks to when he was in the Ogre Wars and when he sacrifices his leg so he could see his son after he was mislead by the Seer which looked like a toned down version of The Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth with red hair! Also, I loved the little scene with David and Mary Margaret thinking of their family tree and that Thanksgiving line was hilarious! Kinda funny David forgot you can have 2 sets of grandparents from each side! The only downsides I have are Henry was incredibly annoying as usual, but is a bit more tolerable and Regina was pretty stupid leaving the door wide open while using magic to rummage through Belle's bag which anybody could see and record (which was exactly what Greg did with a VERY HQ camera on his phone) and her plot of redeeming herself has gone to waste all thanks to Cora! Still, these are nitpicks and I enjoyed the episode overall mainly because things are finally explained, the acting is amazing (except for Henry) and the effects have been improved! Why can't they make more episodes like this because the more recent ones have been sloppy or filler?

Aww! Young Rumple! And a very brief time when Milah was nice! AND SUCH A HYPOCRITE!
I must admit,  like Cora's modern look even though she should just go to hell!
I think Emma's face says it all!
Well he looks pretty confident it'll go well!
So that was what was in August's box! Now the only question I have is HOW did he know Neal was Baelfire?
Haha! 'You let me go to prison because Pinocchio told you to?!'
That Seer really reminds me of The Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth!
Belle just looks so beautiful there! Just an honourable mention!
I just love this scene! I'm glad Mary Margaret is trying to be positive!
Really Henry? Just stating the obvious?
So sweet! And possibly the most ironic speech I've ever heard in my entire life!
Ha! Just looking at Gold when he realizes Henry is his grandson!
This is why you shouldn't leave the door open Regina! And just leave Greg!
Father and son reunited! I do feel sorry for both of them in many ways, but I'm more on Gold's side since he has changed!
Another generation reunited!
I'm gonna guess and say this took place straight after Bae left because Rumple's wearing the same clothes as he did in The Return!
So this is how Rumple could see the future!
Oh no, poor Gold even if Henry's really annoying!